
Here Am I

One of the first questions new students are asked when arriving at The Seattle School is “How did you get here?” or, to put it another way, “What is your story?” It’s such a rare place—unlike any other in the world (believe me, I’ve looked). Rarely is the path to its doorsteps without some adventure or […]

Fathering from the Glory and Pain of Your Own Story

Chris Bruno, a counselor in Colorado and a 2010 graduate of the MA in Counseling Psychology program at The Seattle School, has recently published a new book, Man Maker Project: Boys are Born, Men are Made. Here, Chris shares what wrestling with his own story has taught him about fathering. You can learn more about […]

Moving Into Grief

This week ushers us into the season of Lent, a time in which we prepare our hearts, minds, and bodies to remember the death and resurrection of Jesus. In Lent we are fully aware of our brokenness and our need for resurrection; we grieve and feel the weight of things lost. On the heels of […]

A Different Kind of Journey

This week, we are continuing a series in which first-year students reflect on the path that brought them to The Seattle School. Check back next Thursday for a new story, and if you missed last week’s, read it here. When I started my application to The Seattle School in the summer of 2014, I was […]

A New Direction

Where were you this time last year? How did you end up here? This week, we are launching a new series in which first-year students reflect on the path that brought them to The Seattle School. Check back every Thursday for a new story. “If you don’t like the direction you are going, change it.” […]

The Lightness of Being

I heard the car drive up our gravel driveway. Mia, my wife Becky as she is known by our grandchildren, and Elsa, my darling two-year old granddaughter, were home. I had just finished a section in a book on sexual abuse that is a retrospective of my twenty-five years since writing The Wounded Heart. What […]

A Christmas Message from President Anderson

“Advent is actually a dramatically simple question: what do you do with the claim that Jesus is God With Us? It was God With Us, not the God Up There Somewhere who answers our prayers by lifting us out of our lives, but the God Who Comes To Us in the midst of them. However […]

God With Us: The Seattle School Enters a Season of Giving

November 15th marked the beginning of The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology’s end of year campaign, God With Us. During this season of Advent, we are moved to gratitude as we acknowledge the impact of our generous donors and committed students.  We believe God is with us in this work, and it is in […]

Theology, Culture, and Hospitality: How An Uncertain Journey Prepared Me to Teach at The Seattle School

This spring, I was invited to be the Associate Professor of Theology & Culture here at The Seattle School. I am excited and humbled to be called faculty. This new position comes after years of transition and disorientation. Five years ago, I left the place I loved: New Horizons Ministries. I had served marginalized young […]

Theology Students Present Capstone Projects Exploring the Intersection of Text, Soul, and Culture (Session 1)

The Integrative Project serves as a capstone for students in our theological programs as they look back on their training while discerning what it will look like for them to serve God and neighbor in their post-graduate contexts. The Integrative Project is a capstone research project for students in our theology programs (Master of Divinity […]

How I Learned to Embody Kindness: My Iron(Wo)man Journey

I believe in kindness. Also in mischief. Also in singing. Especially when singing is not necessarily prescribed.      -Mary Oliver   I have been known to make mischief in this world in which I live, frequently disregarding the status quo. It is fitting, then, that I wound up studying at The Seattle School—a place full […]

The Substantive In-Between

At seven years old, I experienced a mind-bending crisis of identity. There I sat, watching the LA Olympics on a small black and white TV, as boxers from the United States and South Korea took the ring and began pounding one another senseless in mutual pursuit of gold and glory. The official result of that […]