Who We Are

The Seattle School is one interdisciplinary graduate school and seminary offering immersive, holistic graduate degree programs in counseling psychology, divinity, theology, and culture. Discover your calling, and hone your craft with us.

We began as a gathering of a few passionate dreamers who imagined a new kind of theological and psychological training—embracing the human story, in its beauty and complexity.

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Alumni leading in the field as pastors, counselors, artists, and leaders.

Our Alumni

The year our school began and matriculated our first cohort.

Our Story

“The prophet is not an outsider throwing rocks, nor a comfortable insider who defends the status quo; but one who lives precariously with two perspectives held tightly together in a loving and creative tension: the faithful insider and the critical outsider. ”

Richard Rohr Explore our Programs
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Attuning to the Heartbeat of a Hurting World

At The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology, we train people to attune to the heartbeat of a hurting world, knowing that this can only happen when we are also attuned to our own heartbeats—the joy, pain, grief, and hope of what it means to be human. Our entire learning model is grounded in that conviction.


The Persistent Hope of Transformation

The Seattle School trains pastors, therapists, leaders, and artists who are attuned to both the beauty and the brokenness in their own stories and in the world around them. As we near the end of our 25th year, would you consider partnering with us to help build the bridge to our future? Learn how at theseattleschool.edu/give.


Lovers of the World

We are led by our alumni. When you give to The Seattle School, you join us in sending women and men into their communities with the capacity to change and be changed by their world.

learning takes your whole body video

Learning Takes Your Whole Body

We live in a complex world. Engaging the beauty, complexity, and brokenness in ourselves and in the people around us requires a new kind of education—one that is robustly Christian, deeply questioning, and profoundly human. If you are seeking to deepen your capacity to work as a therapist, pastor, artist, leader, or healer, we invite you to join us at the intersection of text, soul, and culture.

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Transformative Education

Our sacred mission is one of building capacity to think, empathize, and mindfully engage amid pain, trauma, and injustice. Our immersive, interdisciplinary education model develops adaptive, embodied practitioners.

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“My professors at The Seattle School are not only invested in my classroom learning, but in my becoming more fully who I am, and doing that with grace and patience. I feel called to work with people in such a way that it leads unto joy — and not cheap joy. My primary excitement is being alongside people during the impossible work of lament. ”

Carrie Cates, MDiv '17