

Faculty Article: A Pedagogy of Engagement for the Changing Character of the 21st Century Classroom

The Seattle School on July 14, 2015

Dr. Roy E. Barsness, Professor of Counseling Psychology, and Richard D. Kim, Intercultural Credibility Coordinator/Consultant, recently partnered on an article that was published in the Association of Theological Schools’ Theological Education journal, Volume 45, No. 2. The focus of the issue is “The Changing Character of Faculty Work,” and Barsness and Kim address the need to […]


78 Students Graduate in The Seattle School’s 2015 Commencement Ceremony

The Seattle School on June 30, 2015

The Seattle School community gathered last Saturday, June 27, in downtown Seattle’s historic Town Hall for the school’s 17th Commencement ceremony. Faculty, staff, current students, alumni, friends, and families joined in celebrating the 2015 graduates from all three of The Seattle School’s degree programs: Master of Divinity (MDiv), Master of Arts in Theology & Culture […]

The Church

20 Fellows Complete the Leadership in the New Parish Certificate Program

The Seattle School on June 23, 2015

Earlier this month, 20 individuals from throughout the U.S. and Canada completed the 2014-2015 Leadership in the New Parish certificate program. Leadership in the New Parish, a partnership between the Parish Collective and The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology, is an imaginative, collaborative, and transformative program in which leaders and practitioners join together to […]