(S)ending Richard Kim
The Seattle School is celebrating the work of Richard Kim, Intercultural Credibility Coordinator/Consultant, as he embarks on his next steps.
The Seattle School is celebrating the work of Richard Kim, Intercultural Credibility Coordinator/Consultant, as he embarks on his next steps.
Genevra Levinson shares a reflection and poem about her evolving relationship with grief, from villain to antihero—or a meeting of unexpected friends.
Jennifer Fernandez writes that anger is not just a social or political necessity; it is in line with a long line of prophetic theological thought.
David Rice offers a pastoral call to lean into the division-crossing love that might help foster a new kind of discourse.
Paul Steinke offers words of welcome and blessing at our fourth annual Symposia: An Intersection of Conversation and Innovation.
Dr. Craig Detweiler reflects on The Seattle School’s founding mission and orients our community to a new academic year at Convocation 2018.
Dr. Craig Detweiler, President of The Seattle School, offers a response to the groundbreaking new film Crazy Rich Asians.
Beau Denton reflects on what the story of Tahlequah the orca might reveal about our collective need for—and terror of—grief that sparks action.
Katie Lin looks back on “Disney, Fairy Tales, and Feminist Theory,” reflecting on the art of storytelling and fairy tales as an avenue to the unconscious.
Dr. Roy Barsness discusses the vision behind the Relational Perspectives Series, and why he looks forward to this year’s guest, Dr. Annie Rogers.
Hannah Martin explores how, even as storytellers offer new images of masculinity, the role of fragile, passive women still persists.
The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology has named Nicole Greenwald (MA in Counseling Psychology, 2011) Vice President of Brand & Enrollment.