In this second episode of Board Games & Mental Health, Jermaine Ma, Paul Hoard, and Paul Steinke continue their conversation around the intersection of board games, psychology, and theology while playing the game “Small World.” Paul Hoard sets the table for this episode, guiding us through the rules of the game, and talking about the nature of play as a psychic state found in games and psychotherapy. Learn how Small World sparked Paul’s passion for board games as he first began to fall in love with the hobby. Dive into the engaging discussions on topics of therapy, colonialism, capitalism, and more. Check out Episode 1 for more from these three faculty and staff.

Join us for this adventure in gaming and exploration. And remember, your thoughts and perspectives are always welcome. Drop us a comment on YouTube to share your insights or ideas for future episodes!

And for additional exploration, take a look at Paul Hoard & Paul Steinke’s latest piece in Christ & Cascadia on gaming: “A John Company Carnival: Confronting the Monsters within Us.”