Take Back the Text: Stopping the Mishandling of Texts by Toxic “Christian” Masculinity
Dr. Angela Parker responds to those who use the biblical text to justify silencing, subjugating, separating, or killing others.
Dr. Angela Parker responds to those who use the biblical text to justify silencing, subjugating, separating, or killing others.
Seattle School community members share about the podcasts they’re enjoying these days, and about the best episodes to dive in.
Dr. Chelle Stearns, violinist and Associate Professor of Theology at The Seattle School, recently sat down for a conversation with composer Stephen Michael Newby, Associate Professor of Music at Seattle Pacific University, which we’re excited to share with you today. Dr. Newby has composed two large-scale works based on the life and writings of Dr. […]
Dr. Derek McNeil is joined by Dr. Dwight Friesen to talk about working at The Seattle School, fostering a more holistic form of education, and sharing his deep passion for the ongoing movement of God in the particularity of place.
As we near the end of the Lenten season, here’s a roundup of a few of the resources that are helping ground us in this season. May they allow you to pause, breathe, and feel the movement and hope of new life—even long after Easter Sunday has passed.
In his Charge to the President at the Inauguration of Dr. Craig Detweiler, Dr. Roy Barsness offers a charge to us all, an exhortation to remember, restore, and reimagine.
The Seattle School formally installed Dr. Craig Detweiler as President on Friday, March 9. Watch the full inauguration ceremony here.
Dr. Ron Ruthruff writes that “denying yourself” is about something much more revolutionary than the shame-based messages we may have heard.
For the first minisode of the text.soul.culture podcast, we wandered our building to ask faculty, staff, students, and alumni a simple question: What does the season of Lent mean to you?
In the first episode of our new season, Dr. Derek McNeil and Nicole Greenwald look back on Season One, talk about how this podcast is evolving, and reflect on the thoughtful discourse that is at the heart of text.soul.culture.
The Seattle School is committed to raising up truth-tellers and agents of change in a world that so desperately needs both.
On November 6, we hosted our 5th annual Stanley Grenz Lecture Series. This year, we were grateful to have as our featured speaker, Reverend Dr. Soong-Chan Rah, a professor, pastor and dynamic author whose life work has revolved around theology, lament, and racial reconciliation. Here, we share the video of the lecture.