Intersections at The Seattle School
The Most Important Part of a Story
This week, we are continuing our series in which first year students reflect on the last year and the path that brought them to The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology. Read previous entries from Jessica Hoekstra, Matthias Roberts, and Beau Denton. Splashing forward along the trail, my shoulders hunched against the rain and the […]
President Keith Anderson Delivers State of the School Address
Students, staff, and faculty of The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology gathered for the annual State of the School event last Monday, February 2. Dr. Keith Anderson, President of The Seattle School, addressed the community with a recap of the past year and an update on upcoming changes. “It’s a chapter of growth—not much […]
Learning to Abide in the Wilderness
This post is part of an ongoing series in which first-year students reflect on the last year and the path that led them to The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology. Read previous entries from Matthias Roberts and Beau Denton, and check back next Thursday for a new story. When a new year dawns, we ring […]
A Different Kind of Journey
This week, we are continuing a series in which first-year students reflect on the path that brought them to The Seattle School. Check back next Thursday for a new story, and if you missed last week’s, read it here. When I started my application to The Seattle School in the summer of 2014, I was […]
The Seattle School Students Participate in One Night Count
Five students from The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology recently participated in One Night Count, an annual effort organized by the Seattle/King County Coalition on Homelessness to document the nature and extent of homelessness in the city. Launched in 1980, One Night Count is the largest community-driven count of its kind in the United […]
A New Direction
Where were you this time last year? How did you end up here? This week, we are launching a new series in which first-year students reflect on the path that brought them to The Seattle School. Check back every Thursday for a new story. “If you don’t like the direction you are going, change it.” […]
Peter Rollins and John Philip Newell Visit The Forum at The Seattle School
The Forum at The Seattle School launched its 2015 season with lectures by Peter Rollins, author of The Idolatry of God and Insurrection, and John Philip Newell, a scholar and author known for his studies of the history and theology of Celtic spirituality. Rollins visited The Seattle School on January 7. His lecture, “God is […]
Finding Home in the Stories of Between
Facilities Manager Daniel Tidwell reflects on the beauty that grows in the in-between spaces. After graduating from The Seattle School in 2010, I moved to West Seattle, where I have lived ever since, learning to run and breathe beneath forests of big leaf maple and Douglas fir. For seven years now, I have called Seattle […]
Peering into the Machine
In a sea of many who believe themselves the few with “ears to hear,” do we really have the chutzpah to respond to our calling? One day, still too young to walk, my parents carried me through a parking lot. Nearby, a stranger remotely locked his car. This man “beeped” his car with his keychain […]
The Lightness of Being
I heard the car drive up our gravel driveway. Mia, my wife Becky as she is known by our grandchildren, and Elsa, my darling two-year old granddaughter, were home. I had just finished a section in a book on sexual abuse that is a retrospective of my twenty-five years since writing The Wounded Heart. What […]
A Christmas Message from President Anderson
“Advent is actually a dramatically simple question: what do you do with the claim that Jesus is God With Us? It was God With Us, not the God Up There Somewhere who answers our prayers by lifting us out of our lives, but the God Who Comes To Us in the midst of them. However […]
The Holding Place: Musings on Advent
Advent season carries with it for me a delicious sadness. It is the portion of the church calendar made for those who are waiting and trying to be patient about it, but there is a slight panic setting in. It is a season for me—a daughter, a sister, and an aunt—where I bake pies for […]