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Admissions Coffee Hour: Conversation with Faculty

Grab a cup of coffee or mug of tea and join our Admissions Team for a casual, online conversation about our Graduate Programs at The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology. For our upcoming coffee hour in May, we will be joined by two esteemed faculty in our Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology program.

In a Conversation Series called “Ghosts & Shadows,” Dr. Paul Hoard and Dr. Doug Shirley have found themselves looking back over the past 25-year history of our institution and imagining what lies ahead for the next 25 years. While they are actively (re)imagining curricula and pedagogy, they wrestle with several questions. For instance, how do we stay relevant in an ever-changing educational and cultural landscape? Or, in what ways might we be(come) a learning community in the Pacific Northwest engaging in Christian theological education in new and life-giving ways? And even, how will a new cohort continue to reshape the particularities that make up The Seattle School?

So, bring your own questions, thoughts, and hopes! We’d love to chat with you about what you can begin to anticipate as a part of our learning community. Please register to receive the Zoom link.


Dr. Paul Hoard’s research and scholarly work primarily focus on the intersection of perpetration trauma, sexuality, white-body supremacy, eucontamination, and adolescent mental health.


Dr. Doug Shirley’s passion and therefore research lies in understanding and improving the emotional, relational, and spiritual lives of individuals in helping and healing professions.