MAY 1, 2025: Final Deadline to apply for our graduate programs!
Celebrating 25 Years at The Seattle School

Projects and Initiatives

As we celebrate this 25-year milestone, The Seattle School is launching new projects and initiatives that embody who we are becoming over the next 25 years.

Relational Service-Learning

Service through partnerships

The Seattle School is committed to the service of God and neighbor through transforming relationships. To continue this mission, we are partnering with local organizations to create innovative service engagements for our staff, faculty, and students. To mark our 25-Year Anniversary, we will serve our partners at Circlewood by inviting our learning community to spend a day cleaning their land on Camano Island.

Travel Residencies

Our new MA in Theology & Culture degree programs provide opportunities for students to engage in global partnerships through conversations with grassroots leaders in their contexts. In April 2023, students are invited to Yakima to learn alongside leaders who are serving communities.

Innovation through Conversation

Reimagining Theological Education

As a part of our 25-Year Anniversary, The Seattle School will welcome author and speaker Brian McLaren to engage in conversation with our faculty to imagine the future of theological education together. With a collective value of deep listening, The Seattle School is committed to developing relevant theological trainings and teachings in partnership with thought leaders.

Christ & Cascadia Futuring Conversations

Christ & Cascadia, an annual gathering with an online journal of The Seattle School, will host a collaborative discussion with Christian leaders in Cascadia (the bioregion that includes the Pacific Northwest). They will share about the history and current trajectory of the journal, and learn how Christ & Cascadia can best serve their partners and the needs of their communities. Together they will imagine how Christ & Cascadia’s annual gathering and online presence might grow to best serve faith community innovation for the coming years.

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Day of Scholarship

Our 25th Year at The Seattle School marks the inaugural year of our Day of Scholarship. The Day of Scholarship brings together students, staff, faculty, and alumni for a time of sharing, connection, and exploration. We gather together to expand our imagination for scholarship as learners committed to serving God and neighbor through transforming relationships.

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Accessible Theological Discourse

Senior Scholars

As we celebrate 25 years as an interdisciplinary graduate school and seminary, the Senior Scholar opportunity highlights our commitment to theological scholarship through mentorship for our learning community and also the general public. Senior Scholars at The Seattle School will develop content, such as coursework and lectures to bring new perspectives to our wider community.

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Interdisciplinary Community Classes

In partnership with our alumni and theological and psychological thought leaders, The Seattle School will continue to form non-credit-bearing opportunities for the general public to engage in theological discourse.

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