Safety & Nondiscrimination

Nondiscrimination and Title IX Policy & Procedure

Nondiscrimination & Title IX Policy and Procedure

Discrimination Grievance Procedures

Violations of this policy will be addressed through the Discrimination Grievance Procedures. Hard copies of the Discrimination Grievance Procedures are also available from the Title IX Coordinator and the Director of Human Resources.

Consequences of Violating this Policy

Consequences for violating this policy will depend on the facts and circumstances of each particular situation.

  • Sanctions and corrective action could include the following: a requirement not to repeat or continue the discriminatory, harassing, or retaliatory conduct; a reprimand; a no-contact order; denial of a merit pay increase; reassignment; removal from class; suspension; termination or expulsion, or other appropriate sanction, remedy, or response.
  • The severity of the sanction or corrective action may depend on the frequency and severity of the offense and any history of past discriminatory, harassing, or retaliatory conduct.
  • A finding of discrimination or harassment that creates a hostile environment or resulted in any tangible action (either in the employment or educational setting), or sexual misconduct may be cause for disciplinary action, up to and including discharge in the case of an employee and expulsion in the case of a student. The Seattle School may also report any criminal conduct to a law enforcement agency.
  • The Seattle School may take immediate steps to protect the complainant from further discrimination, harassment, or retaliation before completion of its investigation or the process outlined in the Discrimination Grievance Procedures. For example, in the case of a sexual harassment or sexual misconduct complaint, The Seattle School may take steps to separate the accused harasser from the complainant.
  • The Seattle School may also take appropriate action even if it does not find discrimination or harassment that creates a hostile environment or results in a tangible action, but The Seattle School finds that the respondent engaged in disruptive behavior or determines that action is necessary or appropriate to prevent the creation of a hostile environment or a situation that may result in a tangible action or other form of unlawful discrimination or harassment.

Off-Campus Conduct

Conduct that occurs off campus can be the subject of a complaint or report and will be evaluated to determine whether it violates this policy. For example, if off-campus discrimination or harassment has continuing effects that create a hostile environment on campus, then the discrimination or harassment violates this policy. Allegations of off-campus sexual misconduct are of particular concern and should be brought to the attention of The Seattle School.
Mandatory Reporting

The Seattle School wants to stop and respond effectively to instances of sex-based discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual misconduct involving its students. Therefore, any employee receiving any information about any alleged or possible sex-based discrimination, sexual harassment, or sexual misconduct involving students, must report that information to a Campus Security Authority (see policy for current list (each a “Grievance Officer”) within 24 hours of receiving that information. Employees who are statutorily prohibited from reporting that information are exempt from this reporting requirement, including any licensed counselor who receives the information in his or her capacity as a licensed counselor. After receiving a report of alleged or possible sex-based discrimination, sexual harassment, or sexual misconduct, the Grievance Officer will evaluate the information received and determine what further actions should be taken. The Grievance Officer will follow the procedures described in the Discrimination Grievance Procedures. The Grievance Officer will take steps, either directly with the complainant or through a reporting employee, to provide information about the Discrimination Grievance Procedures, as well as available health and advocacy resources and options for criminal reporting (if applicable).
Voluntary Reporting

The Seattle School strongly encourages its students to report instances of sex-based discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual misconduct involving students.