
Nurturing Body and Soul Through Rituals, Movement, and Story

Several Seattle School alumni reflect on the rhythms, rituals, and practices that help connect us to our bodies and foster transformation.

Throwback Thursday: Elizabeth Ferauge

For today’s Throwback Thursday post, MACP student Elizabeth Ferauge looks back on the ups and downs of graduate school, from the initial decision to apply all the way through sitting with clients at her internship site. We hope Elizabeth’s story is a reminder that it’s okay for this season to feel a bit like a […]

Throwback Thursday: Rebekah Deitrich

We’re really excited to share this week’s Throwback Thursday entry from MACP student Rebekah Deitrich. Rebekah shares about her journey to The Seattle School, the difficulty of living into desire, and what to do when it seems like everything is going wrong. We hope Rebekah’s words are a reminder that our whole community is thinking […]

ICYMI: 2018 at The Seattle School

Our hearts are full of gratitude as we look back on 2018. Here are some of the highlights and milestones, including our top 3 blogs of the year.

Suffering the Gift: Decolonizing the Holidays

Luke Wilson writes that the ways we give and receive a gift has much to say about our relationship with the land and people around us.

The Certainty of Mary

Gabes Torres reflects on the story of Mary, and on how we respond to our own calling to live as people of hope in a world of division and fragmentation.

Rhythms of the Soul

Emma Groppe offers a moving meditation on the rhythms of Advent and the liturgical prayer “Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy.”

Watching to be Surprised by God

Dr. Jo-Ann Badley writes about the angel’s opening words to Mary, “Do not be afraid,” and what those words might invite us to be watching for today.

An Alternate Rendering of Jerusalem

Lisa Daley shares a portrait of Jerusalem that reflects her experience of feeling unfinished—caught between the birth of Christ and the coming restoration.

Grief, Compassion, and Connection

Jeffrey Batstone presents “Opening to Grief Through Self-Compassion”—an examination of our relationship with grief through a posture of self-compassion.

Abba, Father

Heather Casimere writes about her complex relationship with her father—in all its beauty and all its pain—and about what that is teaching her about the God she calls Abba.

All Bodies Are Good Bodies

Lindsay Braman writes about how open water in Croatia invited her to honor her body, and the bodies of others, in a way that defies the shame-based messages of our culture.