MAY 1, 2025: Final Deadline to apply for our graduate programs!

Celebrating 25 Years at The Seattle School

This exciting year marks our 25-year anniversary: a time of celebration, a time of remembering, and a time of hope. We want to pause to mark the places we have been, and we also want to imagine the places we have yet to go. We want to consider how we can live more effectively into our calling. In the middle of a journey, we are celebrating God’s faithfulness and the resilience of our mission with the theme of Looking toward Jubilee.

Looking Toward Jubilee

Biblically, the practice of jubilee, discussed in Leviticus 25, occurs after seven cycles of sabbatical years, which is 50 years. Jubilee brings a sense of celebration along with a sense of calling, an understanding of the responsibility to use the blessings given by God for the good of our community and the flourishing of our world. Looking toward Jubilee, we want to use this milestone to celebrate what has been and to imagine what is to come in the next 25 years at The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology.

A Sacred Calling

In a world experiencing change and fragmentation, our calling is to prepare leaders and healers for such a time as this, a time of re-creation and rebuilding, a time of engaging the brokenness of human hearts – with hope – for the mending and transformation of our churches, our communities, and our world. And so we boldly reaffirm our mission: to train people to be competent in the study of text, soul, and culture in order to serve God and neighbor through transforming relationships. This time of uncertainty is also a time of great possibility. Looking toward Jubilee, we ask you to join us in celebration, and in partnership, as we pursue our sacred calling in the formation and development of agents of restoration and change.

Projects & Initiatives

As a thought leader in theological and psychological education, we are launching new initiatives and projects that embody and guide the direction of our growth and expansion as we look ahead to the future. This includes collaboration and investment in scholarship as well as an emphasis on our commitment to the service of God and neighbor through transforming relationships integrated into our curriculum and our community. In this time of fragmentation, we believe innovative discourse will be a tool for agents of change and restoration, so we will offer accessible interdisciplinary engagement.

Projects & Initiatives

Partner with Us

As we celebrate our first 25 years and look ahead to the next 25, your partnership will bring the hope of transformation to individuals and to communities, now and in the future. Your gift supports the training of the next generation of students who will bring the transformation to their communities. Through sponsorship of our 25-Year Anniversary events and initiatives, your organization or business will connect with thousands of healers, non-profit leaders, therapists, pastors, and change-makers around the country.

Celebrate with a GiftJoin Us in Sponsorship

Sponsors of the 25 Year Anniversary

The Broken & Beautiful logo ELM logo homestreet bank logo

The Seattle School Alumni

Our alumni embody and extend our mission, serving God and neighbor in communities around the world. In 25 years, The Seattle School has graduated over 1,400 alumni. Here are beautiful questions these practitioners, artists, and thought leaders are engaging daily in their work and calling:

Articles from The Other Journal

The Other Journal, a twice-yearly print and digital journal, has been creating space for Christian interdisciplinary reflection, exploration, and expression at the intersection of theology and culture. Founded by alumni two decades ago, The Other Journal has been housed at the school since 2007.

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