Acceptable Use Policy
Information systems, including computer equipment, software, operating systems, storage media, network accounts, electronic file content, and data at The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology (hereafter referred to as “The Seattle School” or “School”) are valuable organizational resources. These resources support our educational mission and administrative functions.
The Information Technology (IT) Department is committed to protecting The Seattle School’s authorized users, partners, and the institution from illegal or damaging actions, whether knowingly or unknowingly performed by individuals.
All systems related to Internet, Intranet, and Extranet, including but not limited to computing equipment, software, operating systems, storage media, and network accounts providing electronic mail, web browsing, and file transfer capabilities, are the property of The Seattle School. These systems are to be used primarily for educational and administrative purposes in serving the interests of the institution, its students, and its community.
The purpose of this policy is to outline the acceptable use of computer equipment and information systems at The Seattle School. These guidelines are in place to:
- Protect the authorized users and The Seattle School
- Ensure the security and integrity of The Seattle School’s electronic communications systems and data
- Guard against violations of the law
- Protect against unacceptable use that may lead to system disruptions or legal issues
This policy applies to all individuals accessing and using The Seattle School’s information systems and resources, including:
- Faculty and staff
- Students
- Contractors and consultants
- Temporary workers
- Volunteers
- All other personnel affiliated with third parties
It covers the use of information, electronic and computing devices, and network resources to conduct The Seattle School business or interact with internal networks and business systems, whether owned or leased by The Seattle School, the user, or a third party. This policy applies both to on-campus and remote use of The Seattle School’s information systems.
Policy Detail
Ownership of Electronic Files
All electronic files created, sent, received, or stored on The Seattle School owned, leased, or administered equipment or systems are the property of The Seattle School. This includes, but is not limited to, documents, emails, and other data stored on computers, servers, or cloud services provided by The Seattle School.
Electronic files created, sent, received, or stored on The Seattle School’s systems are not private. The Seattle School IT Department may access these files at any time without the knowledge of the user, sender, recipient, or owner.
Electronic file content may also be accessed by appropriate personnel in accordance with directives from Human Resources or the President.
General Use and Ownership
- Access to computer systems must be authorized and requested by departmental supervisors for employees. Authorized users are accountable for all activity that occurs under their username.
- Authorized users should be aware that the data and files they create on the corporate systems immediately become the property of The Seattle School.
- The Seattle School IT Department reserves the right to audit networks and systems periodically to ensure compliance with this policy.
- The Seattle School IT Department may remove any non-business related software or files from any system. Examples of non-business related software or files include, but are not limited to; games, instant messengers, pop email, music files, image files, freeware, and shareware.
- All documents should be stored in Google Drive or on the designated network drive (N drive). The local drive (C drive) should be used only for applications, not for document storage.
Security and Proprietary Information
All mobile and computing devices that connect to the internal network must comply with this policy and the following policies:
- Antivirus Policy
- Code of Responsibility for Security and Confidentiality of Data
- Data Classification Policy
- Internet Usage Policy
- Password Policy
- Personal Device Acceptable Use
- System level and user level passwords must comply with the Password Policy. Authorized users must not share their School login ID(s), account(s), passwords, or similar information or devices used for identification and authentication purposes.
- Providing access to another individual, either deliberately or through failure to secure its access, is prohibited.
- Authorized users may access, use, or share School proprietary information only to the extent it is authorized and necessary to fulfill the users assigned job duties.
- Users must lock their computers when unattended for any amount of time, and log off or restart after their shift. All PCs, laptops, and workstations should be secured with a password-protected screensaver with the automatic activation feature set at 10 minutes or less.
- The Seattle School proprietary information stored on electronic and computing devices, whether owned or leased by The Seattle School, the employee, or a third party, remains the sole property of The Seattle School. All proprietary information must be protected through legal or technical means.
- All users are responsible for promptly reporting the theft, loss, or unauthorized disclosure of The Seattle School proprietary information to their immediate supervisor and/or the IT Department.
- Users may access, use, or share The Seattle School proprietary information only to the extent necessary to fulfill their assigned job duties.
- Users must exercise extreme caution when opening email attachments from unknown senders, as these may contain malware.
Unacceptable Use
The Seattle School’s computers and network resources are to be used strictly for educational and administrative purposes. They must not be used for any commercial or for-profit activities, including but not limited to running personal businesses, consulting services, or accessing systems related to secondary employment, education, or external personal practices. Employees, volunteers, directors, contractors, consultants, and temporary employees are prohibited from using School-owned resources to engage in any form of external business or profit-making endeavors.
Computer users are expected to respect copyrights and other intellectual property rights, including but not limited to documents, web pages, music, and video. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or use of copyrighted materials is strictly forbidden.
Under no circumstances is any individual authorized to engage in any activity that is illegal under local, state, federal, or international law while utilizing School-owned resources. Violations will be subject to disciplinary action, which may include termination of employment, legal action, or both.
System and Network Activities
All users are fully responsible for any illegal content or activities on their devices or any device they are using while connected to The Seattle School network. The following activities are strictly prohibited, without exception:
- Violations of the rights of any person or company protected by copyright, trade secret, patent, or other intellectual property, or similar laws or regulations, including, but not limited to, the installation or distribution of “pirated” or other software products that are not appropriately licensed for use by The Seattle School, and the unauthorized copying of software, images, music, or files.
- Introducing malicious programs into the network or servers, including viruses, worms, Trojan horses, or other harmful software.
- Sharing account passwords or allowing the use of your account by others, including family and other household members when work is being done at home.
- Attempting to access any data, electronic content, or programs contained on The Seattle School systems for which they do not have authorization, explicit consent, or implicit need for their job duties.
- Installing or using non-standard shareware or freeware software without The Seattle School IT approval.
- Installing, disconnecting, or moving any The Seattle School owned computer equipment and peripheral devices without prior consent of The Seattle School’s IT Department.
- Purchasing software or hardware, for The Seattle School use, without prior IT compatibility review.
- Engaging in activities that harass, threaten, or abuse others, including any form of spamming, cyberbullying, or harassment via email, social media, or other electronic communication.
- Engaging in activities such as bitcoin mining, torrenting, or other high-traffic activities that degrade the performance of the School’s information systems or may be potentially illegal.
- Purposely engaging in any other activity that may:
- degrade the performance of information systems;
- deprive an authorized The Seattle School user access to a The Seattle School resource;
- obtain extra resources beyond those allocated; or
- circumvent The Seattle School computer security measures.
Access to the Internet from a School-owned computer, whether at home or within School facilities, must adhere to all policies outlined in this document. Any misuse of The Seattle School’s information systems for personal benefit, spamming, or other prohibited activities may result in disciplinary action, including revocation of network access privileges or confiscation of School-owned devices.
Incidental Use
As a convenience to the The Seattle School community, incidental personal use of information systems is permitted with the following restrictions:
- Personal use of The Seattle School computers should be limited and never for outside businesses.
- Access to the Internet at home, from a The Seattle School-owned computer, must adhere to all the same policies that apply to use from within The Seattle School facilities.
- Authorized users must not allow family members or other non-authorized users to access The Seattle School computer systems.
- The Seattle School information systems must not be used for personal benefit.
- Incidental use must not result in direct costs to The Seattle School.
- Incidental use must not interfere with the normal performance of an employee’s work duties.
- No files or documents may be sent or received that may cause legal action against, or embarrassment to, The Seattle School.
- Storage of personal email messages, voice messages, files, and documents within The Seattle School’s information systems must be nominal.
- All messages, files, and documents — including personal ones — located on The Seattle School information systems are owned by The Seattle School, may be subject to open records requests, and may be accessed in accordance with this policy.