Jocelyn Skillman, MA
Jocelyn Skillman currently serves as the Supervisor of Alumni Outreach in The Office of Students & Alumni. She is proud to support outreach and service to alumni of The Seattle School as well as to the Alumni Quad and Alumni Chapter Facilitators. The Office of Students and Alumni seeks to be led in by the work that our spectacular alumni are doing in our need-full world. Jocelyn connects alumni with resources and with each other. She develops and promotes the alumni newsletter, events, and vast alumni partnerships.
In addition to her role at The Seattle School, Jocelyn is a fully licensed therapist in Washington with specialization in Children’s Mental Health. She serves as an on-site teen counselor at The Garage Teen Cafe (Issaquah, WA). Since graduating with her MA in Counseling and Psychology from The Seattle School, she has worked as a Youth & Family Therapist at Vashon Youth & Family Services (Vashon Island, WA) and as a Mental Health Clinician at Valley Cities (Kent, WA). From 2016-2020, she ran her own private counseling practice before joining the Samaritan Center of Puget Sound where she continues to serve as a Community Relations and Development Associate.
Jocelyn recently published a book of haiku poetry with her mom, Judith Skillman, titled In Our Resemblance. As a professional illustrator, she also creates psychic portraits, seeking to make the interior world visible, shaping and reflecting beauty.
She strives to embody unconditional love and to cultivate compassionate communication across our communities, through God’s grace and power.