Angela Parker, PhD
Dr. Parker has a PhD in Bible, Culture, and Hermeneutics (New Testament focus) from Chicago Theological Seminary. Her teaching, research, and writing revolve around New Testament texts studied through the lens of womanist and postcolonial thought. She sees this work as particularly important for contemporary Christian communities seeking to wrestle with Scripture in light of violence and injustice.
Prior to receiving her PhD, Dr. Parker earned a Master of Theological Studies from Duke Divinity School in Durham, NC, and a BA from Shaw University, a historically black institution in Raleigh, NC. Ordained as a Baptist minister and well-versed as a teacher in the church, Dr. Parker’s academic teaching experience comprises courses in New Testament and Biblical Greek. Additionally, her forthcoming publications include the following: “Visions of Liberation in the Midst of Domination: A Feminist/Womanist Dialogue on Romans 8:18-24”; and “A Womanist View of Racial Reconciliation and the Apostle Paul.”
In addition to all of these activities, Dr. Parker enjoys time spent with her husband, Victor.
Areas of Research
- New Testament Text and Context
- The Gospel of Mark
- Pauline Epistles and Theology
- Womanist Biblical Interpretation, Theology and Ethics
- Contemporary Hermeneutical Strategies
- Postcolonial Theory