Kait Dugan, PhD
Kait Dugan is the Operations Manager and Theology Editor of The Other Journal, and she holds a PhD in systematic theology from the University of Aberdeen (Scotland). Kait is also the Director of the Center for Barth Studies at Princeton Theological Seminary and the English language editor for Zeitschrift für Dialektische Theologie. She is co-editor (with Philip G. Ziegler) of The Finality of the Gospel: Karl Barth and the Tasks of Eschatology (Brill, 2022) and (with Paul Dafydd Jones) of Karl Barth and Liberation Theology (T&T Clark, 2023). Kait is currently working on her first book in which she develops a constructive theological account of death in conversation with Pauline apocalypticism and liberation theologies. She lives in Philadelphia and is a pizza aficionado.