Bethany Bylsma
Bethany Bylsma graduated from The Seattle School in 2016 with an MA in Counseling Psychology. She has since worked for the school in a variety of capacities, including assistant to the dean, assistant instructor and bookstore employee.
Upon graduating, she tied herself to Washington State with a private practice and therapy license that serves clients and supervisees – many of whom have been graduates of the Seattle School. She currently lives in Lynnwood with her extremely anxious soul-dog, and her husband. Her counseling practice is based in the Greenlake Neighborhood of Seattle, and online.
Bethany is a teacher and gatherer, and has dabbled in several businesses since starting her first. She hosts retreats such as Cry Camp, Pie Therapy, and Tender||Wild. On a good day can be seen watching the squirrels feast on backyard apples or wondering about our wild belonging to the earth. She has grown her practice with specializations in Dream Work and Depth and Archetypal Psychology.