Winter Preview with Dr. Dwight Friesen

As 2024 begins, are you eager to make an impact and start a new journey? Have you ever imagined what it is like to be a student at The Seattle School? Are you curious to know more about theological discourse, interdisciplinary education, and our transformative community?
At our online Winter Preview on Saturday, February 3, 2024, you can:
- Engage in an interactive classroom experience with Dr. Dwight Friesen, Associate Professor of Practical Theology.
- Understand the importance of studying at the intersection of text, soul, and culture while rediscovering your purpose, passion, and “why”.
- Ask questions about the application process and programs.
Winter Preview is tailor-made for prospective students like you who are eager to experience theological discourse and interdisciplinary education in our transformational and relational learning community.
Register today to explore your future at The Seattle School. Begin your journey at the intersection of text.soul.culture where you will be equipped and prepared as a healer and rebuilder for a world needing your skills.

More about Dr. Friesen: Associate Professor of Practical Theology Dwight Friesen, D.Min, brings decades of missional pastoral experience to his work at The Seattle School. He was the community-curate of an Eastside emerging simple church for more than 11 years. Formerly ordained by the Christian & Missionary Alliance, Dr. Friesen surrendered those credentials in solidarity with women seeking ordination. He is a liturgical Anabaptist with progressively Evangelical and emergent sensibilities actively seeking to root his faith practice within place while linking globally with others who are seeking to live into their contexts.
Dwight earned his Doctor of Ministry degree at George Fox University, where his dissertation research focused on the development of a relational hermeneutic toward connective church leadership and ecclesial structure. He earned his master’s degree from Trinity International University in Deerfield, Illinois, and his undergraduate degree from Ambrose University College in Calgary, Alberta. Dwight is active locally and internationally with contextual missional church movements, and served for a number of years on the “Faith & Order Commission” of the National Council of Churches. He is co-founder of the Inhabit Conference.
Dwight, his wife Lynette, their son Pascal, and their dog Jack live in the Lake Hills neighborhood of Bellevue, Washington. Dwight blogs irregularly at