Pilgrimage to Sonoran Desert: Information Session

“Throughout history, those who asked these sacred questions with intention and actively engaged the search that burned within set off on pilgrimages: journeys of Sacred Encounter. These literal journeys brought pilgrims beyond the edge of the day-to-day and into foreign territory that called forth the vulnerability through which Sacred Encounter and transformation often occur.” –Lacy Ellman
We invite you to join us for an information session on February 12 exploring a new offering in the summer term: a pilgrimage to the Sonoran Desert, April 28-May 3.
Led by spiritual directors Lacy Ellman (MACS ‘12) and Tom Cashman (retired faculty member), students will journey to the outskirts of Tucson, Arizona for a six-day, five-night journey. Students will immerse themselves in the ancient Christian tradition of desert spirituality, exploring the contemplative path in community and learning from this fierce and unique landscape.
This new offering is a one-credit SFD course. Additional travel expenses apply. Summer financial aid funds may be used to cover costs beyond tuition (with the exception of an advanced deposit).
If you have administrative questions related to the meeting, please email our Registrar, Kristen Houston (khouston@theseattleschool.edu). Kindly hold all course/experience-related questions until the meeting.