Integrative Project Symposium 2024

The Integrative Project serves as a capstone for students in our Master of Divinity and Master of Arts in Theology & Culture programs as they look back on their training and also discern what it will look like for them to serve God and neighbor in their post-graduate contexts. Integrative Project presentations synthesize the project thesis along with the student’s experience and research in creating their final project. We invite you to join us on Thursday, June 20, as we engage with these stellar scholars about their work!
This year’s students will showcase two types of scholarly work, both deeply integrative in nature. Integrative Projects explore a question that haunts the student, engaged through research, reading, and conversations with peers and faculty. Integrative Portfolios present a collection of a student’s work that includes reflection on their vocational goals and integration of their learning in the classroom and in their field study experiences. Both represent a culmination of students’ engagement over the course of the program, with each student’s distinctive embodiment of text, soul, and culture.
All are invited to witness and celebrate the bold, thoughtful, and creative work of our graduating theology students which will be presented in the Large Classroom and on Zoom.
Light refreshments will be available for those attending in person.
The presenters are candidates for graduation at The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology in either our Master of Divinity or Master of Arts in Theology & Culture. The list of speakers and presentation titles are below. Find the abstracts on the blog post.
Chris Curia: “A Liberatory Horizon: Reimagining an Equitable Mental Healthcare Landscape”
Holly Greenidge: “Redefining Church Vitality: An Integrative Approach”
Alex Grodkiewicz: “From Mastery to Play: Losing Control of God”
Kenna Hight: “Fearful, Fearful, We Adore Thee: Reconstructing Existential Fear”
April Little: “Reflections and Reclamations: A Creative Writing Workshop for LGBTQ+ Christian Youth”
Haley Mayer: “Lament and Healing: A Personal Journey Through Lamentation, Reflection, and Reconstruction”
Emily Poulain: “Let Go, Sink In: A Pursuit of Wholeness Through Communal Lament”
Rachael Proulx: “Death to Life: A Reimagining of the Valley of the Dry Bones”
Danielle Riley: “Towards Belonging: Cultivating Places of Belonging and On Being the Church in Our Communities”
Carson Taylor: “From Walls to Welcome: Deconstructing and Reimagining Community Care for People with Severe Mental Illness.”
Robert Zint: “From Pulpit to Podcast: Storytelling About the Art of Paying Attention”