MAY 1, 2025: Final Deadline to apply for our graduate programs!

Inhabit Conference

Inhabit is a two-day conference intentionally designed to engage, encourage, and empower innovative, missional practitioners as they go about practicing the way of Jesus in place. Founded in 2010 through an energetic partnership between The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology and the Parish Collective, Inhabit is the result of a simple hunch: What if God is up to something really big and global but it can only be discovered through the small and local?

With a dynamic mix of participatory environments, insights from seasoned leaders, and rich storytelling, the Inhabit Conference is a uniquely creative event that draws together hundreds of practitioners, pastors, social entrepreneurs, church planters, community leaders, environmentalists, denominational executives, artists, and others from all over the globe. They share a common vision for seeing the transformation of the church through their participation in their neighborhood. If you share that vision, if you believe that joining in God’s renewal in your actual neighborhoods is a crucial step in being the church, you should join us at Inhabit this year.

In essence we believe God is re-creating our world, and we want to join in. We don’t know the future, but we do believe that God is at work, and we believe we need each other.

About the Parish Collective
The Parish Collective connects and resources people of faith in particular neighborhoods to be the church together in the places they live. Their grassroots-level work weaves together neighborhood churches, missional communities, and any group of Christ-followers desiring renewal in the parish.