The Stanley Grenz Lecture Series with Dr. Angela Parker

This series is offered in honor of former Professor Stanley Grenz, a prolific Christian scholar with a pastoral heart and deep intellectual presence. In his memory, each year The Seattle School hosts theological leaders and thinkers to advance theological discourse.
On Friday, January 12th at 5:30 pm, Dr. Angela Parker will join us on campus for a conversation on “America’s Failing Empire: A Womanist New Testament Response to Rising White Christian Nationalism.” Examining scripture, theology, and psychoanalysis of the self, Dr. Parker will argue that America’s failing empire clings to the deep narrative/story of White Christian Nationalism while ignoring the ways that the imago dei of God can be found in passages outside of traditional readings of scripture.
After the lecture, there will be a panel discussion with Dr. David Leong and Dr. Chelle Stearns followed by a time for Q & A.
Updated January 10: Registration is now closed. This event is full.
If you would like to access the livestream or the recording when it is available later, please fill out this form to request access.
Contact with any questions.
RSVP is required to attend in-person at The Seattle School campus at 2501 Elliott Avenue. Note: Low-residency students attending the Winter 2024 residency do not need to RSVP.

Angela N. Parker, PhD, (Chicago Theological Seminary) is Assistant Professor of New Testament and Greek at Mercer University’s McAfee School of Theology. Prior to her doctoral studies, she received a B.A. from Shaw University and an M.T.S. from Duke Divinity School. In 2018, Parker’s article, “One Womanist’s View of Racial Reconciliation in Galatians,” earned second place in the Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion’s Elizabeth Schüssler Fiorenza New Scholar Award, and in 2023 she published If God Still Breathes, Why Can’t I?: Black Lives Matter and Biblical Authority (Eerdmans). Parker is ordained with the Missionary Baptist Association of North Carolina and can be found on YouTube and TikTok @BoozyBibleScholar.

David Leong, PhD, (Fuller Theological Seminary) is Professor of Urban Ministry and Intercultural Studies at Seattle Pacific University and Seminary. His latest book, Race and Place: How Urban Geography Shapes the Journey to Reconciliation, explores themes of exclusion and belonging in urban contexts. David and his family live in Southeast Seattle where they enjoy local parks, endless coffee selections, and the best pho in the city.

Chelle Stearns, PhD, (University of St. Andrews in Scotland) served as Associate Professor of Theology at The Seattle School from 2008 – 2023 and now serves as Affiliate Faculty. She is the author of Handling Dissonance: A Musical Theological Aesthetic of Unity and has published essays on subjects such as trauma and Christology, music and trauma, and Pneumatology and the arts. Her current research and writing are at the intersection of theology, music, and trauma.