Easter Egg-stravaganza!

Mosaic and Anamchara invite you to celebrate Easter and end of term with a family-friendly park day on April 9th! Meet us by the playground at Volunteer Park at 10:30 am. Come rain or shine, we will have a tent shelter, warm coffee, and breakfast pastries. Not to mention some egg-cellent Easter egg hunt surprises!
The day starts at 10:30 am with an Easter egg hunt just for kids. Following we will have an egg hunt for students and their spouses/partners at 11:00 am. Prizes for this egg hunt will include candy, Nourish Market discounts, various gift cards to local businesses, and one egg-stra special golden egg prize of a $100 visa gift card!
After the Easter egg hunts end, from 12:00 pm until 4:00 pm we will have time to come and go to the park and enjoy the afternoon. Make sure to bring a picnic lunch and your favorite park activity. Volleyball will be provided.
We hope to see you there!