Convocation at St. Mark’s Cathedral serves as our official welcome to our new students—the culmination of their matriculation and their adoption into a community of learners—and, for faculty, staff, and returning students, a reaffirmation of a commitment to the mission of The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology. It is an ancient tradition that harkens back to Oxford University in England, where all new students were officially welcomed into the community and all members of the community asked to commit themselves to the culture and mission of their school.
Our act of commitment at Convocation is a symbol that envelops our students into the life of the community at The Seattle School. Faculty, staff, alumni, and returning students, along with their families and spouses or partners, officially invite the incoming class and their families into our community. As a community, we will enter the new academic year together by joining in a litany of commitment for all students and the celebration of Holy Communion.
In order to facilitate any potential contact tracing, everyone attending Convocation on-site will need to RSVP and sign in with their name as they enter the church. All those attending will need to provide a phone number or email. Please plan to arrive early so that we can sign everyone in before the service begins.
Link to livestream: