We believe that the profound need for human connection is enduring, even—or especially—in the midst of a shifting, fragmented culture. And “human connection” is about so much more than romantic love (despite what we often see in store windows and movie theaters this time of year).

As we’re wrestling with the categories of connection and relationship this month, we think it’s essential to celebrate and explore the nature of friendship. That’s a big word, one that could refer to someone you’ve only met online, or someone who’s walked with you through the most significant peaks and valleys of your life, or somewhere in between. Despite its potential vagueness, there is something essential in this category that helps us learn how to navigate both the beauty and the heartache of our world as people of relationship.

So we walked around our building yesterday, asking folks in our community about the nature of friendship and the art of cultivating life-giving connections with friends. Our thanks to the students, staff, and faculty who participated in this video: