MAY 1, 2025: Final Deadline to apply for our graduate programs!

Mary DeJong

Mary DeJong

Mary DeJong lives in Seattle, Washington, at Hedgewood, a home that for over a decade has hosted community connection through the reclamation and restoration of a neighborhood forest. As a long-time naturalist, and practitioner and guide of place-based pilgrimage, DeJong’s graduate work in ecotheology delves into why place matters. She is the founder and chair of the Friends of Cheasty Greenspace at Mountain View, a neighborhood organization committed to creating equitable, safe, and welcoming hyper-local access to nature and play within public forests for urban children and families. Influenced by the lives of Celtic saints, Jospeh Campbell’s The Hero’s Journey and the emerging field of ecopyschology, DeJong facilitates retreats and pilgrimages in the Pacific Northwest and in Iona, Scotland, that strengthen the interconnection of participants, the sacred, and the natural world. Her book, Waymarkers (2011), is heralded by pilgrims globally. Her husband, four children, ten chickens, medicinal and herb garden, and yard—a Certified Wildlife Habitat—keep her busy when her pen does not.

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Spiritual Practice

A Holy High: How Hildegard Found Her Inspiration Grounded in the Garden

Mary DeJong on November 3, 2017

Join ecotheologian Mary DeJong (MA in Theology and Culture ’17) for a cup of sage tea as she suggests that our gardens are the source of sacred visions of the divine. Mary is a contributor at The Other Journal. Housed within The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology, The Other Journal is a bi-annual print and digital journal that aims to create space for Christian interdisciplinary reflection, exploration, and expression at the intersection of theology and culture.