Add up the costs and discover a range of funding options for Seattle School graduate programs

Graduate school is a commitment, but we think it should be one that’s accessible and sustainable.

As an independent, non-denominational graduate school, The Seattle School doesn’t receive any government or denominational support. Generous donor contributions cover 30% of our operating costs.

And thanks to our unusual trimester system, when it all adds up, the School is more affordable than any comparable programs in the state running on a quarterly calendar. We offset costs with scholarships, financial assistance, family fee waivers, and employment opportunities to make school feasible regardless of your situation.



You’ll pay tuition each term. For full-time students, credits cost $742 each—total costs depend on the number of credits in which you’re enrolled per trimester. You can pay tuition with personal resources, scholarships, financial aid, and/or employer/veteran benefits.

Tuition Per Credit Hour

Tuition $742
Audit $330
Community Audit $325

Community audit credits are available to the public and to our alumni.  

Program Total Credits Total Tuition
Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology 66 $48,972
Master of Arts in Theology & Culture 39 $28,938


When considering your costs for the year, keep academic fees in mind. We work to keep these low. See a full table of fees in the Academic Catalog.

Fees Per Term

Practical Training Lab Fee $210
Student Services & Lifecycle Gathering Fee $120
Registration & Information Technology Fee $210
Alumni Association Fee $150
Graduation Fee $185

Other Costs of Attendance

In addition to tuition and fees, review additional expenses you’re likely to incur each trimester during your time at graduate school. The costs below are estimates based on full-time enrollment (22 credits per academic year). When doing your calculations, adjust the tuition figure according to the number of credits you’re planning to enroll in per term ($742 per credit).

Direct Educational Costs Fall Winter Spring Totals
Tuition $5,936 $5,936 $4,452 $16,324
Fees $540 $540 $540 $1,620
Books & Supplies $550 $550 $500 $1,600
Therapy – MACP $900 $900 $700 $2,500
Indirect Costs
Room & Board* $8,000 $8,000 $8,000 $24,000
Personal $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $4,500
Transportation $600 $600 $600 $1,800
Low-Residency Costs
Estimated Travel Costs $3,250 $3,250 $6500

*Derived from Washington Financial Aid Association and Seattle Bureau of Labor Statistics

Applying for Financial Aid and Scholarships

Step 1: Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid

Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid

To qualify for financial aid, first complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). This determines your financial need. Regardless of age, income, relationship status and other contribution factors graduate students are eligible for $20,500 in financial aid per academic year (if part-time enrollment requirements are met and sustained). Financial aid covers, but cannot exceed, the cost of tuition, books, supplies, room and board, transportation, and some living expenses while enrolled at The Seattle School.

Begin your application for the coming school year after November 1, ideally after completing your taxes for the previous year. The Seattle School has a Financial Aid Application target date of August 15. However, students can still apply for FAFSA loans anytime during the school year, as needed.

The Seattle School’s code for FAFSA is G34664.

Submit your FAFSA

Step 2: Understand Student Loans and Complete Your Master Promissory Note

Read more comprehensive information on the terms and conditions of the loan and of the borrower’s responsibilities.

We participate in the Direct Loan program, which allows you to qualify for Title IV funding (Federal Direct Loans and Direct Graduate PLUS Loans).

To qualify you must:

  • Be a US citizen or eligible non-citizen
  • Have a high-school diploma, GED, or home-schooled equivalent
  • Have a valid Social Security number
  • Be enrolled in a degree program with full-time or at least half-time student enrollment status
  • Not owe a repayment on a grant or be in default on a student loan
  • Have financial need as determined by your FAFSA

Types of Loans

Federal Direct Loans

Most students take advantage of the Direct Loan program. It allows you to borrow funds at a low interest rate while in school and offers a 6-month grace period for repayment after graduation.

Direct Graduate PLUS Loan

PLUS Loans are additional funding your Direct Loan. PLUS loans are credit-based. They have an additional origination fee and a slightly higher interest rate. Because we want to ensure you keep your borrowing to a minimum, advising is required prior to applying for a PLUS loan.

If you are receiving a Direct Loan or a Graduate PLUS Loan, you must complete the Master Promissory Note (MPN) to get those funds. Sign your MPN online. Once this is completed, the Office Student Financial Services at The Seattle School will receive an electronic notification from Direct Loans.

Complete your MPN

Step 3: Complete Entrance Loan Counseling

Loan Entrance Counseling is an online tutorial that orients you to the financial aid process. Before you can receive any financial aid funds you must complete the process online. Once this is completed, Student Financial Services at The Seattle School will receive an electronic notification from Direct Loans.

Complete Your Loan Entrance Counseling

Step 4: Apply for a Scholarship

To keep your costs low, we earmark funds for student scholarships.

We have four scholarship funds. Each scholarship has a review committee that engages each application and makes decisions in community.

Scholarship Application Process & Dates

  • Complete essay (or video) requirement for each scholarship you are applying for
  • Essays should be typed, double-spaced, and between 750 and 1,000 words
  • Submit essay(s) as a PDF to
  • All scholarship applications are extended to June 30, 2024.
  • Notifications will be made by July 30, 2024.

If you have questions about our scholarships, email

Available Scholarships

We are thrilled to announce the rollout of a New MATC Scholarship in 2024:

New MATC Scholarship

Our Master of Arts in Theology & Culture students are boldly looking for new and creative ways to reimagine theological studies and practices. Crossing borders and boundaries, our classroom conversations are spaces wherein ideas are proposed, flushed out, and, by way of the Integrative Project, launched into the world. Oftentimes, it can feel like we’re charting new territory and foraging new paths, especially as we seek to move away from tradition and towards something more liberating. This is a $2,331 scholarship awarded to students who want to come alongside fellow scholars and theologians and bring their theological dreams to life. It is awarded based on the applicant’s boldness, desire to speak truth to power, and heart for their work.

  • Eligibility: First-year MATC Students, half-time and above
  • Essay Prompt: What are you hoping to build? Describe your vision for theological practices and/or spaces. What do you believe is needed to keep theological engagement alive? Do you see an alternative to what is currently offered in the world, that might more closely capture the desires and needs of your community? Please describe your idea, your context, and how training at The Seattle School will help you achieve it.

The Self Space Scholarship

The Self Space Scholarship Fund is a $4,000 scholarship awarded to graduate students who identify as Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) or students of color to fund the 40-hour requirement for personal therapy. This scholarship honors the importance of therapists having experiences of their own in therapy before entering the field, believing personal therapy is essential to this work as healers. Also, this scholarship specifically seeks to support the emergence of minority students into the field of psychology, and help removes this financial barrier to therapeutic care.

“At Self Space we believe that mental health should be considered a regular part of everyone’s wellness routine: like going to the gym, eating well or seeing your friends. Research continues to show that when we pause to be present, to be mindful, and to connect to ourselves and others we feel more calm, capable, and free to love and be loved – better able to accept ourselves and say yes to the lives we want to live. Self Space has a mission to make the experience of finding and working with a therapist as streamlined, supportive, and seamless as possible so clients – and therapists – can relax and focus on the work itself. We are a place both therapists and their clients can pause, connect, and thrive.”

  • Awarded by: Self Space with the Scholarship Review Committee
  • Eligibility: BIPOC first-year and returning MACP students, half-time and above
  • Essay and Video Prompt: Describe what you hope to gain from personal therapy. Please submit an essay and video.
  • Follow up: Upon the recipient’s end of their graduate school journey, Self-Space would like an impact report via video.

Molly Clarke Kenzler Scholarship

Molly Clarke Kenzler was a consistent presence at The Seattle School from 2002 to 2014. As an “uncommon pastor,” Molly’s leadership transcended traditional understanding and practice within our organization, allowing her to shape the classroom experience in meaningful ways. This is a $3,000 scholarship awarded to students who have demonstrated exceptional and “uncommon” leadership in a church or community context. It is awarded based on the applicant’s embodiment of relational maturity, integrity and innovative vision through leadership.

  • Eligibility: First year, full-time MATC and, MACP students, half-time and above
  • Essay Prompt: Describe the intersection of your sense of vocational calling and a need within our culture. What do you believe innovative and authentic leadership would look like in that intersection? In light of your response to these questions, provide context to how you wish to develop as a leader by studying at The Seattle School.

Multicultural Scholarship

The Multicultural Scholarship is a $3,000 scholarship awarded to students from underrepresented racial or ethnic communities. It is awarded based on the applicant’s ability to articulate the impact their racial, cultural, and/or ethnic identity has had on their desire to pursue graduate studies. Applicants should be enrolled at least half-time and above as first-year or returning degree seeking students.

  • Eligibility: First year and returning, half-time and above
  • Essay Prompt: Describe the impact your racial, cultural and/or ethnic background has had on your sense of calling and desire to pursue graduate studies in your field of interest. In light of that, provide context for how you wish to develop personally and professionally by studying at The Seattle School.

Brave Bauman Scholarship

The Brave Bauman Scholarship is a $750-1,000 scholarship awarded to first-year MACP students to assist in covering the cost of the 40-hour personal counseling requirement. This scholarship is evaluated and awarded based on the applicant’s ability to articulate how a tragedy has shaped their sense of identity, calling, and relationship to God.

“On December 8, 2011, we witnessed the birth and death of our beautiful son, Brave Bauman. His story is my story, his story is our story. As students and sojourners, we all must learn to live into Brave’s name. We long for his legacy and his name to live on through brave students at The Seattle School. This scholarship exists to honor both our son’s bravery and your bravery for fighting for resurrection in a life wrought by death.” — Andrew and Christy Bauman

  • Awarded by: Scholarship Review Committee with Andrew & Christy Bauman
  • Eligibility: First-year MACP students, half-time and above
  • Essay Prompt: Describe the impact tragedy has had on your sense of identity, calling, and relationship to God. How have you been and how are you now being brave? In light of these things, please provide context for how you wish to develop personally and professionally at The Seattle School. Note: Please use discretion when writing about your personal tragedies.
  • Video Prompt: Submit a video of yourself (5 minutes max) that includes the following: an introduction, an explanation of why you are applying for this scholarship, and why you think you would be a good candidate. We encourage you to watch the 40-minute documentary, A Brave Lament Documentary, or read the book if you wish, A Brave Lament Book (completely optional).
  • Please note an essay and video are required.

Step 5: Create your student account in Populi

Populi is your portal to financial aid documents and your student account. You must be an enrolled student to create an account. Check your enrollment confirmation email from our Registrar for your invitation.

Create a Populi Account

Step 6: Explore Other Funding Options

Beyond loans and scholarships, there are additional sources of funds, both internal and external. See: List of External Scholarships

Family Fee Waiver

The Family Fee Waiver assists students who are single parents or spouses/partners who are both enrolled at The Seattle School concurrently. It covers student fees only and is awarded based on the applicant’s commitment to both vocation and family and their ability to articulate the need for and benefit of the waiver.

  • Awarded by: Student Services Team
  • Application deadline: June 30
  • Eligibility: New or returning students in good academic standing intending to enroll at least part-time (at least 4 credits in the fall and spring terms and 3 credits in the summer term, not including community audit). Spouses/partners may complete and submit a joint application.
  • Notification date: July 30

Apply for the Fee Waiver

Federal Work Study

The Seattle School participates in the Federal Work Study Program, which funds at total of 2,800 hours of work each year for various students in positions on campus and at our community outreach site. These are paid positions that help cover the cost of tuition and living expenses while gaining robust work experience. Eligibility for the Federal Work Study Program is determined by your FAFSA. Open positions are announced in the spring and summer of each academic year and as they become available.


The Seattle School is an Americorps partner. Americorps offers an opportunity to serve in the community while earning funding to assist with education costs. Learn more.

External Scholarship Ideas:

Take a look at this List of Scholarships.

Step 7: Review and Accept Your Financial Aid Package

Step 7: Review and Accept Your Financial Aid Package

We will notify you when your Award Letter is available on Populi. You must accept your awards within Populi before funds will be disbursed.

Accept Your Financial Aid

Step 8: Track Financial Aid Disbursement and Set up Your Payment Plan

The Seattle School operates on a trimester system—one third of your financial aid award is disbursed at the beginning of each trimester. Loan funds are applied to your student account to cover tuition and fees. Any unused portion will be made available in the form of a stipend. If your financial aid was completed on time and there are no holds on your student account your stipend check will be available at the front desk the first week of the academic term.

Payment Plan

If you still have a tuition balance, or have chosen not to receive financial aid, The Seattle School offers a payment plan. The plan divides your total education costs for the term into three equal payments due on the first Friday of each month. Enrolling in the program costs $50. Late fees are assessed at 1% per month on the remainder of the balance.

Enroll in the Payment Plan

Step 9: Loan Repayment and Loan Forgiveness

When you complete your program, you have various options for loan repayment and, you may later qualify for loan forgiveness.

Path To Repayment

Income-driven Repayment Plans

An income-driven repayment plan sets your monthly student loan payment at an amount that is intended to be affordable based on your income and family size

See Income-driven Repay

ment Plans

Standard Repayment Plan with a 10-year Repayment Period

A standard repayment plan is designed to pay down your entire balance (including interest) in 120 monthly payments.

If you are interested in Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF), enroll in an income-based repayment plan—these plans are most likely to leave an outstanding balance to forgive after 120 payments.

See Standard Repayment Plans

MOHELA & Public Service Loan Forgiveness

MOHELA serves eligible borrowers for Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF). They provide customer support, process applications and forms related to PSLF eligibility, and track qualifying payments.

Get in touch with MOHELA

PSLF Resources

Veteran’s Benefits

The Seattle School is approved by the Higher Education Coordinating Board’s State Approving Agency (HECB/SAA) program. Your eligibility for VA educational benefit programs is determined by your date of enlistment and your status as a degree-seeking student.
Awarded by: The Department of Veterans Affairs

Available benefits:

GI Bill ® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by the VA is available at the official U.S. government web site at

Apply Online

The Office of Student Financial Services can answer questions related to eligibility, benefits and take responsibility for certifying veteran enrollment. For additional information and support, contact the Department of Veteran Affairs:

VA Pending Payment Compliance Policy

In accordance with Title 38 US Code 3679 subsection (e), The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology has adopted the following additional provisions for any students using U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Post 9/11 G.I. Bill® (Ch. 33) or Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Ch. 31) benefits, while payment to the institution is pending from the VA. The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology will not:

  • Prevent nor delay the student’s enrollment;
  • Assess a late penalty fee to the student;
  • Require the student to secure alternative or additional funding;
  • Deny the student access to any resources available to other students who have satisfied their tuition and fee bills to the institution, including but not limited to access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities.
    However, to qualify for this provision, such students may be required to:
  • Produce the Certificate of Eligibility by the first day of class;
  • Provide written request to be certified;
  • Provide additional information needed to properly certify the enrollment as described in other institutional policies.


Financial Aid Policies