Day of Scholarship 2025

The Seattle School is hosting its third community-wide Day of Scholarship, open to all students, alumni, staff, and faculty as contributors and guests.This event aims to connect Seattle School community members to the wider disciplinary and interdisciplinary conversations we are having as an institution. Capping off the 2025 Winter Residency, Day of Scholarship will take place on campus January 11 from 8:00 am-1:00 pm. The theme of the event, Engaging (An)other, builds off the work of Dr. Esther Meek and her contributions as our current Senior Scholar. The day will involve a panel discussion on Dr. Meek’s forthcoming essay in The Other Journal as well as poster presentations, breakout sessions, an opportunity to browse and see at-a-glance some of the research, works in progress, and key questions community members are engaging.

We are inviting research poster contributions and breakout session facilitators from all corners of our institution, alumni included. Posters and breakout sessions can comprise sharing about an initiative your center or team has developed, a project already underway, or other relevant research or inquiry. Poster presenters will be onsite for informal conversation during the morning session, with their work on display for the whole day.