2024 New Student Orientation

The Seattle School staff and faculty are thrilled to welcome our 2024 incoming cohort!

All incoming students (both on-campus and low-residency) are required to attend two New Student Orientation sessions. During these two sessions, the Student & Academic Services team will share essential tools and resources that will equip and support you in your learning at The Seattle School. Students will be responsible for the material covered in both sessions.

New Student Orientation Part 1  |  Friday, September 6, 10:00-11:30 am PT  |  on Zoom

All new students will gather online for New Student Orientation Part 1. During this session, the Student & Academic Services team will review essential information for incoming students, and provide space for questions and conversation as students prepare to begin the fall term.

New Student Orientation Part 2  |  Wednesday, September 11, 1:00-5:00 pm PT  | on campus

All new students will attend part 2 together on campus at 2501 Elliott Ave in Seattle. The afternoon will include embodied activities, conversations, and connections that will help students get acclimated to the building, to one another, and to The Seattle School learning community. This afternoon will also include an introduction to Listening Labs.

Find more information (including the Zoom link for September 6) in the Matriculate 2024 Group in Populi after August 15.