Here, several contributors to The Other Journal gather around a meal to talk about how theology can help us better understand and shape our environmental responsibilities and concerns. This conversation was hosted and curated by Tom Ryan, Master of Divinity ’07 and Executive Editor at The Other Journal.

Tom is joined by:


Dr. Christine Sine: “As people started to get their hands in the dirt, they started to connect to the God who is very much present in the dirt.”

Dr. Chelle Stearns: “One of the primary relationships the Holy Spirit has, especially in the Old Testament, is with the land.”

the other journal

Housed within The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology, The Other Journal is a twice-yearly print and digital journal that aims to create space for Christian interdisciplinary reflection, exploration, and expression at the intersection of theology and culture. Attempting to remain a step or two more popular than the typical scholarly journal and a step or two more scholarly than the typical popular magazine, TOJ collaborates with contributors around the globe to provide readers with provocative, challenging and insightful Christian commentary on current social issues, political events, cultural trends, and pop phenomena.