Dr. Esther Lightcap Meek: Stanley Grenz Lecture Series

The Dean’s Office and the Forum at The Seattle School are excited to partner in offering the sixth annual Stanley Grenz Lecture Series, featuring Dr. Esther Lightcap Meek—a professor, Fellow Scholar, and author whose work has revolved around how we know what we know.

Dr. Meek will join us for a lecture and panel discussion on November 5 and a brown bag lunch on November 6, all exploring the theme of Knowing for Shalom. Covenant epistemology offers an account of how knowing works, which therapeutically revises modernism’s damaging version and positively impacts our humanness, scholarship, and service to the world. Taking the redemptive encounter as paradigmatic of insight’s transformative integrative character shows that reality knows us and we know it—to the end of shalom.

Loving Reality in an Anti-Realist Age

Monday, November 5, 10:00-11:30am in the Large Classroom
The implicit modernist epistemology that still prevails in our era maintains a fundamental distrust of reality and of our ability to access it. Dr. Meek will propose instead an exuberant realism in which our involvement may be seen to be covenantal (rather than critical): rooted in trust, pledging to encounter, and seeking communion.

Integrating in a Disintegrated World

Tuesday, November 6, 12:00-1:00pm in the Commons
In a broken and modernist world, fragmentation happens. It is even celebrated. But human knowing, and reality itself, are integrative. In this interactive lunch, Dr. Meek will help us consider how human knowing can put us and our world back together.

About Dr. Esther Lightcap Meek


Esther Lightcap Meek (Ph.D., Temple University; M.A., Western Kentucky University; B.A., Cedarville College) is Professor of Philosophy at Geneva College. She is also a Fellow Scholar with Artist Makoto Fujimura’s Fujimura Institute. Her books include Longing to Know: The Philosophy of Knowledge for Ordinary People, Loving to Know: Introducing Covenant Epistemology, and A Little Manual for Knowing, along with the book under consideration in this series.

The Stanley Grenz Lecture Series is offered in honor of former Professor Stanley Grenz, a prolific Christian scholar with a pastoral heart and deep intellectual presence. Stan engaged the challenging theological questions of his generation with a profound sensitivity to the complexities of a Christian community embedded within a cultural context. In honor of him, this series is designed to invite scholarly theological discourse into the public forum, as an expression of Christian faith and service.